Ecological Constraints Assessments for Private Landholders

Are you looking to buy a rural property or bush block and not sure of your obligations when it comes clearing vegetation, putting in firebreaks, ecological burning or just where you can build on your own property?

Not only can we provide ecological constraints surveys for development projects, but we can also provide them for land managers or potential property owners looking to purchase their own piece of Australia. Often new property owners have a tough time navigating the numerous and ever changing environmental regulations that are imposed on property owners in Queensland. And often your real estate agent either doesn’t know or is keeping these a secret in the hope you will go through with the sale.

For such a small cost, we can identify all the ecological constraints that pertain to a property. Any property in Queensland. Not only do we explain these indepth with you but also provide it in an easy to read report so you will have it for future reference should you finalise the purchase of the property. These ecological constraints assessments are often desktop based and can be undertaken within a very short period of time, so even if you are in a hurry to purchase, you should not disregard the need for an ecological constraints assessment!

An ecological constraints assessment provided by Trend includes:

  • Identification of vegetation communities and threatened species habitat on the property that could pose constraints to vegetation clearing.

  • A search of the Environmental Registers.

  • Identification of Council zoning requirements which will determine what assessments are required to construct buildings on the property.

  • Explanations as to your obligations in relation to necessary clearing for firebreaks and infrastructure.

  • Lists of threatened flora and fauna likely to be present on the property which may warrant protection and hence lead to further constraints.

  • All of this, plus more!

Contact us today for a quote. You will be surprised at how small the cost for this assessment actually is! And we promise it will save you money in the long run when you fully know your obligations and constraints up front.

  • We take care of the hassle for you

  • We let you know any constraints on the property that may cause implications when you come to build or want to establish crops

  • We explain your obligations early on in the process which can help you decide to buy a property or let you know how best to manage one you have recently bought

  • Let us make your life easier, today!


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